We have been crazy people this last week inviting to the Musical Fireside.
Not too crazy, we are missionaries after all, but we have tried our very best to invite... anyone and everyone.Sister Hannah Rose Preszler

Boston, MA
Friday, May 31, 2013
We succeed when we invite
Rhode Island
It's different being a missionary down in Rhode Island! Some days we are searching (desperately) for something to do! But that just means that we have to work harder. This weekend was sort of slow but we have 15 member appointments set up for this next week because we don't plan on having that happen again!
1. On Monday I met our investigator Elizabeth, and we were able to teach her with a member at a member's home. We make a big deal out of this because the correlation between having members at lessons and people actually getting baptized is crazy relevant. While the amount of lessons that missionaries teach on their own? Pretty much zero correlation to how many people get baptized. We can teach and teach but without members we aren't fully effective. Ponder this my friends... and go on splits!
2. We had an amazing zone conference on Wednesday! We left empowered, ready to go home to Westerly and implement - to challenge ourselves and our members. President Hutchins (our stake president, Providence RI) talked to us about what an impact we have on members, how much we strengthen them when we take them with us and teach in their homes. He challenged us to invite and bring 75 non-members and less-active members to the musical fireside on June 2. He told us if we did, he would treat the entire zone to dessert. He stood in front of us, called his ward's missionaries up, read Ruth 4:7, and gave them each a shoe off his foot to keep until he fulfilled his promise of inviting 30 people to fireside. He stood there in his socks and challenged us to do more - he is amazing and inspired and he has such a vision for our stake. The Providence RI stake is about to explode with missionary work! We are ready to work.
3. On Thursday we were going to visit a woman who is recovering from a surgery and unable to go to church. We have been visiting her for the past few weeks, and we always try to share something to help her. This time we wanted to share a mormon message. I was looking at the back of the DVD and had absolutely no idea what we should share, Sister Christensen was at a loss as well, and we were both pathetically debating between a few of them, unable to choose. When we parked outside, we still couldn't decide and so we said a prayer, asking Heavenly Father to help us know what she needed. We left the car saying we would share a certain one, a decision that we still didn't know was correct but needed to make. When we got inside, we shared the one that we had decided on. She liked it, and we talked a little about it. I mentioned that the one pictured on the background was about Stephanie Nielson, and a little about her story. The sister then asked if we could watch that one. We of course said yes. The video started, "My name is Stephanie Nielson, and I am not my body." Sister D started crying, afterwards she said, I REALLY needed to hear that, I loved that, that is just was I needed. She then told us multiple times that she is so glad that we came over. It was such a testimony builder for me, to know that the Lord was behind us, and that when we didn't know what to do, but continued in faith, that he helped us. I know that he cares about Sister D and that he cares about us each individually so much that he is looking out for us and helping us - even through mormon messages.
4. Friday was such a slow day, and we spent so many miles trying to find a LA that lives, in "a large green house with a sign 'farm fresh eggs' in front of it." We couldn't find it and we were so frustrated and our miles were going down the drain. That night we started a fast for the next day that we would find people to teach. We REALLY need people to share the gospel with. Saturday was such a bummer, we even had a media referral that would answer the door. We felt like nothing had come of our fast when we ate dinner that night. Then we went to the adult session of stake conference that night and afterward a man finds me. He says, "are you the westerly sisters? I want you to teach my family!!!" He told us about his extended family in Westerly, and got our information. It was an answer to our fasting and prayers! We really hope to teach them!
5. The adult session of Stake Conference was absolutely brilliant. Amazing. I learned so much! We can't wait to help the members invite to the fireside - to start there and never stop!
I'm happy out here, I don't exactly have a ton to do at every moment, but sister Christensen and I really make a point of finding things to do!
love you all,
go out with the missionaries this month,
for me, :)
Sister Hannah Rose Preszler
It didn't rain for 17 days = prospective drought
The other day, a member told us that it was so strange that it hadn't rained for 17 days! Sister C and I looked at each other because we weren't quite sure if we were supposed to be shocked that it hadn't been raining. Apparently y'all, 17 days without rain is weird here.
It is so green! The trees are everywhere, they hang over the streets and grow on houses and... everywhere. I think that the landscaping almost helps to describe the people here. They live a more crowded way of life in general than west coasters. The west has a 'wide open spaces' complex that definitely doesn't exist here. I don't know if that makes any sense.
Today I will meet our other investigator! We only have two right now for our teeny little branch, but we have prospects!
Our Branch is wonderful! We are always looking at ways to grow - through missionary work! We are so excited for all the amazing work that can be done in this area. There was someone who came to church on Sunday that hasn't been in a very long time, we hope to meet with his family this next week. His wife isn't a member and I hope that we can find a way to teach her.
Mothers day was wonderful yesterday! We made chocolate covered pretzels for our relief society! It took forever, and was very pricey, but they turned out beautiful and everyone loved them! We were so happy to give them out and will be delivering more to LA members this week.
We made dinner for a member family for Mothers Day as well and it was a hit! So grateful for that! I had prayed it would be.
It's terrible and this is very short but I've run out of time!
love you all,
Sister Hannah Rose Preszler
So, I'm writing this from a library in Westerly, Rhode Island. I am now a missionary for the teeniest branch in the mission.
Lets start from the beginning. Transfers, moving, and a Trio
Even though it has only been a couple days, here are the new things!
1. I'm in a Trio now with Sister Ford and Sister Jordan. Sister Ford is great already, and we will be able to do more work with 3 sisters than we would be able to do with 2. The 4 ward thing is a tad overwhelming, lets look at our average sunday to explain the trickiness of the situation:
7:30 Ward Council LP1
8:15 Ward Council LP2
9:00 Sacrament Meeting for LP1, Relief Society for LP2
10:00 Combined Sunday School for LP1 and LP2, Ward coordination for CRW
11:00 Relief Society LP1, Sacrament Meeting LP2, Ward Council CRW
12:00 Munch'n'mingle LP1 and LP2
12:30 Sacrament Meeting CRW, Ward Coordination UW, Ward Coordination LP1
1:00 Ward Coordination LP2
1:30 Gospel Essentials CRW
Okay I'm tired of this excercise, but you get the point, this goes on until 6:00 and then we usually go to a dinner appointment afterward... CRAZINESS.
Sister Ford took the sacrament 4 times yesterday, I went to relief society twice, we went to more meetings than most people go to in a week, and all on a usual Sunday. Whoo.
The Trio will take a little while to adjust to, but I think overall we are happy... but I guess I can only say with surety that I am happy! :)
2. We moved into our new place! It is AMAZING! Our last place was dark, dingy, small, moldy, humid, and horrible. So I thought we would move up to a dingy, small, dark place that doesn't have mold but is still just a 'whatever' apartment. Our new place is beautiful! It is pretty much half of a house, windows everywhere, fireplace, awesome woodwork with beamed ceiling, large kitchen, two bedrooms, a living room, dining room, a basement (with a washer and dryer!), a screened porch, and a backyard with a beautiful magnolia tree! It has made me so so happy! We aren't entirely moved in but we are working on it and I feel so much healthier already. It's glorious.
3. We taught a lesson on Friday that unexpectedly went really great! She said that just that morning she had had the exact question that we wanted to address. We had planned this lesson 3 weeks ago and had tons of things come up (bombing) that had prevented us from actually giving it until Friday... but it was just what she needed! She even cried and she committed to being better about reading her scriptures. It was an answer to my prayers, because our planning that morning had been a little rough with the new trio and the district meeting that day.
4. We went to the Charles River Cleanup on Saturday and it felt good to rid the river of all that trash! We had many bags fill up and the River looked great :) It was a nice opportunity for community service and I enjoyed working with the members and helping the city.
5. There were so many visitors in University Ward! Aubrey was giving her farewell talk and she invited a lot of people... who actually came! It was really awesome to see these people learn more and maybe one day we will one of them! One of our investigators who is friends with her came, and we think that she had a good experience.
6. I gave my first talk on my mission on Sunday. It didn't go as well as planned... because I was supposed to give it last Sunday, then Sister J went over her time limit, so they bumped me to this week. So I just kept the talk that I had written and planned on giving it yesterday. But when the day actually arrived, I forgot to bring the notebook that I had written it in. So I sat up on the stand and wrote what I remembered it being down during the opening hymn. I was so happy that the Lord blessed me with remembrance! I think that it went pretty well considering.
I think that's all! Sorry about ending on 6, that is sort of awkward.
Today should be a fun p-day, and I'm sorry about the lack of pictures, but I really haven't taken very many! I'll put some up next week! Promise.
Love, Sister HRP
A Pretty Crazy Weekend
So much has happened! But I am safe and sound, "We are ONE Boston" y'all! We are healing, remembering, and getting stronger as a city.
First of all I want to just say CONGRATULATIONS to my favorite person ever on her ENGAGEMENT! :) Even though I have never met Jake Larson, he sounds pretty swell. You two are the cutest! I love you Lollie and I am so happy for you and Jake! Keep me posted!
1. Manhunt in Watertown.
Watertown is SO close to us! Only a couple miles or so. We didn't get the "backwards 911" call that they sent out to the entire city, but we did get quite a few calls and texts from our friends, investigators, ward members, and mission presidency telling us to STAY INSIDE. We weren't even supposed to open the door unless it was a cop. With ID. It was a really long day of news listening (via radio, aren't we just so 1950's chic?). They finally caught the second suspect of the Boston Marathon bombing at around 6:00 at night, and the city rejoiced! We had been baking, playing "Book of Mormon" Go Fish, strumming on the uke, and studying all day long while we were inside. But it was an intense day, with a wonderful ending. I am so relieved that we are safe.
2. Transfers are tomorrow and we are becoming a TRIO! Which is actually really terrifying because, get this - the Longfellow Park Ward (two wards with people 25-30) Sisters are leaving and we will be over FOUR WARDS. University Ward, both Longfellow Park Wards, and the Charles River Ward. Craziness. It will be splits-ville. Splits all day everyday. We worry that we will barely see each other! With the amount of work that we have right now, and the amount of work coming up for us, we are anticipating some seriously INSANE things. The President must think we are machines. We will have to be.
3. WE ARE MOVING! Tonight actually!
Our apartment has a long history of Sisters getting very ill in it. We think that it is a mold problem. We call our CONSTANT sicknesses "mold colds" and we are always battling some form of phlegm. We are so excited to finally be leaving that place! We are moving closer to Harvard Square, closer to members, and hopefully free from mold!
4. Laura is doing so well! We had dinner over at her house, talked about her reading and her happiness. She told us that she wants to get married in the temple :) Way cute. She even told me that I am required to wear my glasses in her wedding photos. We can't wait for her baptism and REALLY hope it'll happen in May!
5. We have a flyer and poster coming along for the musical fireside! I really am so glad that our work with getting it more advertisement for the fireside! It has been a big project and it's awesome to see it coming along.
6. We had baptism on Saturday for a girl that goes to North Eastern but has been taught by the Boston Sisters. She came to church at the University ward the Sunday before last and decided to be baptized into our ward, because she wanted to attend there until she leaves. We threw some things together last minute and made it happen and it was WONDERFUL! So beautiful. It came together really well, our ward mission leader did a great job. And the confirmation the next day was so great. Laura leaned over to me and said, "It'll be ME next!!!"
Those are some highlights but it has been a great weekend! The members are wonderful and our investigators are the best! We will have so much work to do!
I am really happy and enjoying the work :)
Keep up the letters and emails! I miss y'all!
Love sister hrp
Patriot's Day
I'm safe! I hope that you got that email from the Packards!
Out here patriots day is kinda a big deal. This state is ridiculously patriotic and every holiday to honor the awesomeness that is America is definitely to be cel-e-brated. So, the library wasn't open, and then on top of that we had a terrible tragedy in Boston and so emailing just didn't happen. yesterday was one of the longest days ever, and not very p-day-ey, but it's over now and i'm happy and healthy and safe.
We woke up at 3 in the morning (before the crack of dawn) and went to Lexington to a reenactment of a the battle of (you guessed it) Lexington it was super fun. all these red coats and patriots, fighting for freedom, smoke in the air and the sound of hollow gunshots. America I tell you. It could have improved if I was roughly 4 inches taller, because then I could have seen it, but the sounds were glorious. Sister J also gave a detailed description of the short battle for those of us that are height impaired much of which consisted of, "oh. they're mad."
Afterward we all went to a members home in Lexington where they hold a patriots breakfast every year for all the members that want to come. It was a lot of fun and there were so many people crammed into the most quintessentially New England house I've maybe ever seen.
We then went shopping and WENT TO THE TEMPLE! It was glorious. I've never been to the Boston temple, and it was very beautiful and a nice break from the world. I felt so good in the house of the Lord and so happy. we can only go when we have a holiday p-day, and so it is a special occasion and very much anticipated. I really loved it, and I needed that on a week that was busy and stressful.
We decided to go on the freedom trail in Boston afterward, which I thought was a hiking trail and is actually a history tour of landmarks in Boston. Very cool, and a lot to look at. the best way to it is via public transportation (which is kind of a duh for us, because we don't use anything else), but almost our entire zone grouped together and took the T whether they have cars or not. since I thought we would be hiking vigorously I wore a t-shirt and jeans, and it was actually very cold in the city. I was freezing, so I broke down and bought my very first BOSTON sweatshirt. It is red, white, and blue, and I think it is very fitting. Plus it was pretty cheap.
Anyway, the freedom trail was going great, until we heard and saw at least 10 police cars racing back and forth, with their light and sirens on. We knew something was up before our zone leader got the call. He had us all stop, told us that some bombs went off somewhere in Boston, and that the President (Packard, not the President of the US, just for clarification) wanted us out of the city. This was the first day that we had even been to the city for a p-day in a while. But we were all together, which was comforting.
We put our heads together, and tried desperately to find a way out of the city without taking public transportation, but all the T trains had been shut down. We ended up walking from Boston to Cambridge, across the river to the stake center. It was actually quite the hike - I was SO GRATEFUL that I picked up that sweatshirt. It saved me.
We finally learned that two bombs had gone off at Copley Square, at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Runners had already finished, and some were going across the finish line when it happened, others had to stop their run suddenly and not finish. 3 people died from the trash can bombs, and more than 150 people were hospitalized, not to mention the marathon runners that were hospitalized because they couldn't receive the care from the marathon booths. Everyone had to disperse and stay out of large groups, the T was shut down, and people (like us) were stuck in Boston.
I was so grateful that we were in a group of missionaries, with our zone leaders and district leader.
We got home late, and crashed into our beds, tired from a 19 hour day, but so grateful to be safe and praying for those that had been impacted. We are praying for them now.
That was just yesterday though! The week was wonderful, but so, so much to do!
We are working on a Musical Fireside for every single stake in the mission. It is a lot of work. From scheduling the buildings, to trying to make a nice poster and flyer, to advertising with a youtube video, and an mp3, we are working really hard to get the word out and to really get people EXCITED!
Also we have 6 progressing investigators in one ward!
And we are working with so many members!
Here are a couple things from the GREAT THINGS journal:
1. Rode the Mattapan Trolley on Wednesday! It is so cute. Just like the olden days. There are some things about Boston that are just EXACTLY like San Francisco. Really.
2. Laura is ready to get baptized!!!!!! :) in May. we are SO EXCITED.
3. We met a girl on Friday named Felicia who is SO AMAZING. She has already read the Book of Mormon and when I bring up other people's concerns (as a teaching method) she bears her testimony to us of how she knows that those concerns are invalid. It's RIDICULOUS. so awesome.
I love love love you all! Keep me updated!
Love sister hrp
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